Pre-Appointment Requirements
There are several important requirements that Brows & Artistry advises clients to adhere to for the best outcome of the procedure and their own benefit. Please find them below:
The Restrictions Below Apply To All Of Our Cosmetic Tattoo Procedures.
​Clients cannot be:
Pregnant or nursing
Under 18 years old
Currently using Accutane
In-treatment or recently finished Chemotherapy
Please Do Not:
Have fillers or botox around the area being tattooed, at least 24 hours prior & post tattoo procedure
Have skin laser treatments around the area being tattooed, at least 1 week prior & week post tattoo procedure
Please Avoid:
Drinking anything with caffeine the day of procedure
Taking Fish oil 1 week prior t
Taking Aspirin or fish oil 48-72 hours prior to the procedure
Drinking alcohol 24 hours before the procedure
Heavy sunlight, particularly sunburn 72 hours before your procedure or after
Specific Procedure Requirements
Please avoid:​
Any hair removal/tinting services outside of Brows & Artistry within 72 hours of your procedure
Eyeliner Restrictions
Please do not:​
Curl, dye, perm, or receive a procedure for the extension of your eyelashes 48 hours before our procedure appointment or 14 days post.
Wear contact lens during and for the first 24 hours after your procedure.
We typically recommend waiting 2 months after any eye surgery or laser eye procedure before booking one of our eyeliner cosmetic tattoo treatments.
Please avoid:​
Strong sources of bright light, and instead, wear sunglasses after your procedure
Please do not:​
Receive a lip treatment if you have cold sores. I f you are prone to cold sores please ensure that you are take the requisite medicines and antiviral prescriptions at least 3 days before the procedure and for 3 days thereafter.
Please do not:
Allow the lips dry out, or discontinue the use of bepanthem before the 1 week mark.
For All Cosmetic Tattoo Aftercare Information Please Refer To Our Aftercare Form.
Post-procedure microblading care is manageable, but important. After a procedure, the brows will look dark and the skin beneath mildly red, all of which is quite normal. Within one to two weeks thereafter, the pigment will appear less dark and toward the desired shade, while the skin around the area will heal accordingly, subject to each clients’ personal skin healing timeframes.
Please ensure you follow the steps below:
Please do:
Apply ointment 3 times per day over the course of the first week after your procedure.
Ensure that, during showers, the facial region around your eyebrows remains dry.
Please do not:
Let the area effected become wet for 10 days after your treatment.
Wear make-up for one week after your procedure to allow the pigments to set and settle for a more natural look.
Aggravate (itch, pick, or scratch) your eyebrow area.
Please avoid:
Swimming, excessive sweating through athletic pursuits and what not, saunas until 1) the eyebrow area is healed completely, and 2) you have had your follow-up appointment.
The eyeliner after-care instructions are similar to those of our other services, as well as the requirements for treatment themselves.
Please do not:
Use mascara until healing finishes, typically 4-5 days after; and thereafter, ensure that you buy a new tube while also applying farther out on the lash than usual.
Curl, dye, perm, or receive a procedure for the extension of your eyelashes 48 hours before our appointment.
Wear contact lens during and for the first 24 hours after your procedure.
Spend excessive time in the sun or water, including swimming, for the first 2 weeks post-treatment.
Because of the specific treatment, your eyes may be drier or more irritated, and your eyes may be mildly swollen for a several days, which is to be expected from time to time. Please recognize as well that, initially after the treatment, the eyeliner look needs 4-8 days to attain its most natural look. The outer layer of color will harden and flake off, as it becomes more natural. It is critical that you not touch or aggravate that area for the week post-procedure. The flaky area provides a natural cover for the healing process to finish, and each day after treatment the look will grow softer, more natural, and more delicate. The healing process completes usually three weeks from start.
The lip after-care instructions are similar to those of our other services, as well as the requirements for treatment themselves.
Please do not:
Please be careful with mouthwash and toothpaste, considered soaps, because they are capable of removing lip color, too. Use ointment on lips for first three days post-treatment when brushing teeth, and use smaller amounts of toothpaste than typical.
Wash, touch, or aggravate the treated area for 2 weeks after the procedure.
Take showers or baths with excessive steam until 2 weeks after treatment.
Use cosmetics or lipstick around treated area for first week, which will not be an issue from an appearance perspective because you will have the confidence of natural, full, vibrant lips post-treatment. If you feel lipstick necessary, use a fresh, new one to avoid issues.
​Smoking for 7 days.
Drinking liquids without straws for first 2 days.
Bite into food that may cause lip friction to avoid adverse results for first 2 days.
Spend excessive time in the sun or water, including swimming, for the first 2 weeks post-treatment.
Overall, it is necessary to take special care when cleaning or treating the treated area, as it heals. Use a Q-tip with A&D ointment for the first 24 hours after the procedure, and ensure the area remains hydrated and moist, never dry. Check lips every 30 minutes to determine if re-applying ointment is needed. Similarly, use clean Q-tips, dipped in cool water, to dab the treated area – do not rub the area whatsoever.
To emphasize, you want the first layer of lip cover post-treatment to protect the pigment, so under no circumstance pick, touch or aggravate that layer. Once it cover subsides, you will see the delicate and light color take form. Two weeks later, the next color implanted will come about, and blossom into the natural look you desire. The healing process should complete, generally speaking, in three weeks from the initial procedure.
Areola Aftercare
Do Not :
Remove the dressing if we use breathable patches for 7 days.
Undertake excessive physical exercise.
Clean pigmented surface directly for 14 days.
Avoid wet areas like swimming or saunas for 7 days.
Remove the scab.
Tan the pigmented surface.
Do :
Apply ointment 2 times per day for first 4 days after removing the dressing.
Removal Aftercare
Please do:
Keep the removal area dry for 48 hours.
Apply a thin layer of the aftercare ointment 2 to 3 times per day on the area that was treated during the procedure with a Q-Tip until the scab scales off so that the scab shedding is completed, which may take 7 to 14 days.
Please do not :
Touch the area with your finger.
Swim, sauna, hot tub, tan or undertake intense exercise.
Lightening or removing unwanted pigment is a long process, and patience is required.
Again, remember to be patient.
Expect visible and desired results in 3 to 6 sessions. The number of sessions needed will depend on how saturated the pigment is, as well as how deep it is implanted.
In many cases, only a certain percentage of the density needs to be lightened or removed after which we can then continue the correction process through color correcting procedures.
You will begin to see results 14 days after the removal treatment.